Winter is a long season. All that time cooped up indoors can lead to boredom. Beat the winter blahs with these Printable Winter Lunch Box Jokes for Kids. That’s right! Jokes in the winter are a perfect way to take some of the frost out of the air! Using some of my favorite Winter Jokes for Kids we created some very cute (and FREE) winter notes that are sure to make kids smile when they open their lunch boxes over the next few weeks. If your kids don’t take lunches then tuck these notes in their shoes, jacket pockets, spot in the car, or pillows. They can be used anywhere!
I tuck the girls’ lunch box notes into their lunch boxes with their EasyLunchboxes 3-compartment Bento Lunch Box Containers and they often come home from school saying that their teacher shared the joke(s) with the entire class. How cool is that?
To get your very own printable Winter lunch box notes for your kiddos just click here.

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