Remember when you were a kid and all you wanted was the freedom of being an adult? Those were the days! You didn’t have to think about paying bills, budgeting for Christmas or vacations, home repairs, buying cars, paying for insurance, the quality of the food you ate….and the list goes on and on. Fast forward adulthood and then you become a parent. Parenting is so rewarding….and a daily struggle at the same time. These little people have such personalities and quirks that sometimes we don’t know if we are handling our role as parent correctly. When parenting is tough one way to make sure that everyone is heard is to start journaling with children.
My older daughter and I are starting to use Just Between Us: A No-Stress, No-Rules, Journal for Girls and Their Moms. This journal is in the $10 price range (I purchased it for a few cents less than $10) and incredible.
What I LOVE about the Just Between Us Journal
- The cover is super-duper cute and very sturdy.
- There are ribbons attached so you can mark mom and daughter pages.
- There are identical pages for moms and daughters to fill out.
- There are blank pages for journaling and getting it all out.
- There is an introduction for daughters….and an introduction for moms that are great for both parties to read.
- The journals fosters heartfelt conversation.
If you want to be able to talk to your child in a different way, try journaling. No, you don’t need to purchase a $10 journal….any notebook works. However, there is something super special about having a special notebook designed just for the occasion.
If you are looking for something for dads and daughters check out the Just Dad and Me (American Girl) book.
What journaling secrets can you share with us? Leave a comment below with any tips or tricks you have to make journaling with your child even more successful.
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