There are Valentine's Day Jokes for Kids that are sure to get kids ready for February 14th, and there are also Valentine's Day Word Searches for Kids. This year I made a heart shaped word search that has 15 words as a fun printable for my family and … [Read more...]
When Life Hands You Powdered Snow Make Snow Cream with Milk
It's snow much fun playing in the snow! Snow day treats are very special. When it snows in Atlanta it is always a big deal. The school districts do not hesitate to cancel school when a snowflake appears on the weather forecast. Sometimes the snow … [Read more...]
Heart Shaped Animals: Construction Paper Crafts Perfect for Valentine’s Day
Valentine's Day crafts are a very fun way to add big chunks of family time to your February calendar. Make a few of these heart shaped construction paper animals and add them to Valentine's Day Cards or Valentine's Day Card Boxes. My Girl Scout … [Read more...]
Baked Snowman Donuts Recipe
Snowman donuts are an absolutely perfect treat for the cold winter months. These donuts are adorably cute and will bring smiles to everyone faces. A Nonstick Donut Pan is essential for this baking project (and I think the Mini Donut size would be a … [Read more...]
Crafty Tuesday: Tooth Fairy Pillow Tutorial
Visits from the Tooth Fairy are a very special time. For this mom with a sewing machine this momentous occasion couldn't merely be celebrated with the placement of the lost tooth under a pillow. Oh no, we needed a very special Tooth Fairy Pillow! … [Read more...]
Girl Scout Cookie Shirt Ideas – Make Cookie Season Even More Fun!
Girl Scout cookie time is fun and a little bit crazy. As a leader of a Girl Scout Junior troop of 15 girls and a co-leader of a Girl Scout Brownie troop of 7 girls it seems like I am always thinking about Girl Scouts. That paired with the fact that … [Read more...]
Frozen Fun: Winter Science Experiments for Kids
It has been c-o-l-d here in Atlanta. I know that many of you are also experiencing weather in the negatives. For most of the country freezing weather is not a big deal. That is not the case here in Atlanta. I spend much of the winter arguing with … [Read more...]
Create LEGO Earrings: Easy LEGO Craft Tutorial
Are you ready for one of the cutest, most practical crafts ever? Ohmygosh. LEGO earrings (specifically Lego stud earrings) are about the most adorable thing ever. I am not even kidding when I say this craft is e-a-s-y! If you have ever used a … [Read more...]
Quick Melted Peppermint Plate
This year we decided to do something a little different for cookies for Santa. Our plate is getting outdated and I really wanted something cuter. So....we made a quick melted peppermint plate that is adorable. Absolutely adorable! This project is … [Read more...]
Christmas Traditions: Reindeer Pancakes or Rudolph Pankcakes
Christmas traditions are so fun and bring a smile to everyone's faces. Several years ago I started a brand new Christmas tradition to go with our Christmas Pickle and Elf on the Shelf (Week 1, Weeks 2 and 3, and Elf on the Shelf Santa Letterhead). … [Read more...]