There is an inevitable truth that we must face as parents… is going to start in a few weeks. The east coast kids tend to go back to school about a month earlier than the west coast kids (in my keen observations using Facebook as my guru along with having lived on both sides of the United States).
Be sure to follow our Back to School Deals this year where you will find all the best prices on Back to School Shopping including recently released school supply coupons. Sending our little ones back to school doesn’t mean we have to scrape all our pennies to do so.
6 Ways to Save Money Back to School Shopping
1) Start Shopping Early. The best school supply deals are rolling out this week…the second week of July. By watching sales and stocking up on the items that you need when they are at their absolute lowest prices you are going to save yourself a bundle. Price matching works for school supplies, so keep that in mind. Check for printable coupons for school supplies. Each year there seem to be Bic printable coupons as well as 3M. By saving those coupons and waiting for a sale you will save even more!
2) Stick to Your List. Get your child’s School Supply List and tuck it into your purse or keep it in your car. Mark off the items that you have purchased as your buy them. If you always have your list with you then you will know what you do…and do not….need. If you are like me and purchasing the penny deals is super fun, then set a budget on how many “extras” you are going to buy this year. Even if your heart is in the right place you can easily get carried away getting the cheap school supplies. A list just makes sense!
3) Check your Desk. Dig through your desk and closet and use the school supplies that you tucked away and forgot about.
4) Shop the clearance rack. Stock up on basic essentials when they are on clearance.
5) Take advantage of Tax-Free Holidays. If your state has a tax-free holiday it is the perfect time to pick up the lunch box or shoes that your child has been begging you to buy.

7) Use money saving cash back apps on your phone! These apps will save you on everything from crayons to clothing. Be sure to check them regularly!
Save money one coupon at a time! Print coupons from the following websites.
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