If you have older elementary school through high school aged children chances are high that you have heard of the game Among Us. My daughters and neighbors love playing this electronic game....and have even invented ways to play it as an outside … [Read more...]
American Girl Printable Lunch Notes – Inspiration for Kids
My girls have loved American Girl since they were tiny. It probably helps that we live 10 minutes from an American Girl store. Grandma bought Big Sister her first American Girl Bitty Baby when she was itty bitty herself. From there the girls have … [Read more...]
Printable Minecraft Lunchbox Jokes
Keep calm and play Minecraft. This motto works for many kids, tweens, and even teens. When it comes to Minecraft there are so many people who are obsessed with it....including my girls. I am so excited to have some fabulous Minecraft Lunchbox … [Read more...]
Printable Valentine’s Day Lunch Box Notes Using Valentines Jokes for Kids
It's time for hearts, pink, red, white, love, x's, and o's. Yes, Valentine's Day is so soon! Make your loved one smile with these Valentine's Day Lunch Box Jokes. Using some of my favorite Valentine's Jokes for Kids we created some absolutely … [Read more...]
Printable LEGO Lunch Box Notes using LEGO Jokes
LEGOS are a huge hit in our house. Little Sister is happy turning a pile of LEGOs into a castle, Big Sister loves LEGO Friends, and my husband is very excited that I bought a LEGO Mindstorm set at Goodwill for just $5.00. It's an incomplete set, … [Read more...]
Free Printable Valentine’s Day Cards for Kids with Owls and Birds
There is nothing better than handing out Valentine's Day cards. It truly is special watching your child as he or she opens all of the Valentine's that were doled out at school. You don't have to head to a big box store to buy cards for your kids to … [Read more...]
Free Printable Heart Shaped Valentine’s Day Word Search for Kids
There are Valentine's Day Jokes for Kids that are sure to get kids ready for February 14th, and there are also Valentine's Day Word Searches for Kids. This year I made a heart shaped word search that has 15 words as a fun printable for my family and … [Read more...]
Printable Winter Lunch Box Notes Using Winter Jokes for Kids
Winter is a long season. All that time cooped up indoors can lead to boredom. Beat the winter blahs with these Printable Winter Lunch Box Jokes for Kids. That's right! Jokes in the winter are a perfect way to take some of the frost out of the … [Read more...]
Responsibility and Chore Chart for Kids with Printable Chore Chart
Parenthood is filled with so many unknowns. As our girls get older one thing that we struggle with is defining responsibilities and creating a chore chart for kids. Everyone grew up differently. Some houses paid for grades while others gave an … [Read more...]
The Elf on The Shelf Leaves Behind a Good Bye Letter on Christmas Day
Have you been having fun with your elf on the shelf this year? There is still time to look at this Elf on the Shelf Round Up: Ideas, Calendar, Accessories, Letters, and More for inspiration. Below you will find a fun Elf on the Shelf Good Bye … [Read more...]