Heading back to school is an emotional time. Back in the day (the same day when we walked to school in 3 feet of school, up hill both ways) our parents didn't think twice about sending us to school on the bus with a sack lunch containing a bologna … [Read more...]
Printable Easter Lunch Box Notes Using Easter Jokes for Kids
When spring is here that means Easter is here. There are so many fun ways to celebrate the spring and Easter. Add these Easter Lunch Box Jokes to your loved one's lunches, books, or pillows. Using some of my favorite Easter Jokes for Kids we … [Read more...]
Printable Summer Lunch Box Notes Using Summer Jokes for Kids
Summer is a season of fun which can be made even more awesome with these summer jokes for kids to make everyone smile. We created printable summer lunch box jokes for you to use this summer. Whether your child is in the beginning (or final) weeks … [Read more...]
Homemade Gift for Dad: Father’s Day Coupon Book
A day to celebrate the dads in our lives is happening soon and you can create a fun homemade gift for dad very easily. This printable Father's Day coupon book is customizable with a spot for your child to write a letter to Dad as well as fill in the … [Read more...]
Homemade Grandparents Day Gift Idea: Printable Grandparents Day Coupon Book
Every fall we are reminded to tell the grandparents in our lives how much they mean to us and many of us scratch our heads wondering about the perfect grandparents day gift idea. A coupon booklet is free, easy, and adorable to make and will melt … [Read more...]
Tooth Fairy Traditions: Free Printable Tooth Fairy Letterhead for You to Use!
One fun tradition at our house is the Tooth Fairy. When one of the girls loses a tooth it is such a fun night...and it ends with a note from the Tooth Fairy using printable Tooth Fairy Letterhead. We finally have this tooth fairy paper to share … [Read more...]