There is a new Daily Goal meter on the Swagbucks home page this morning! According to the latest Swag Blog post it is back by popular demand! It seems the meter is well liked, although I’m not sure Swagbucks understood that request as it was intended. (I’ve read that lots of people want to have a meter for quick reference and setting their own goal would be preferred but if there is a bonus involved with them setting the daily goals then I’ll be happy to try my best to reach it!)
The meter will be in effect from today, June 18th, through June 30th. Daily Goal Meter promotion will be paid out by July 5, 2012. The bonus is as follows:
7 Straight Days
25 SB + Daily Bonuses
13 Straight Days
100 SB + Daily Bonuses
So, there is a daily bonus for reaching the set goal each day (today it is a goal of 80 with 8 bonus SB). If you meet goal 7 days in a row (any 7 consecutive days, according to the blog post) you get the 25 SB bonus. If you manage to meet the goal all 13 days of this promo, you get an extra 100 SB, plus the daily bonuses for your efforts!! I think I can, I think I can!! Are you in? It’s just starting today so spread the word!
If you are new to Swagbucks or have not joined in on the excitement yet you can learn more about it here!
If you are new to Swagbucks or have not joined in on the excitement yet you can learn more about it here!