We are really into science experiments this summer. Learning occurs every singe day of the year. During the school year there is obviously a lot more learning that occurs but the summer shouldn’t be discounted when we suddenly add teacher to our children to our list of things we do. One of the best words an inquiring mind can ask is “why?” Hmm, so possibly that is the worst word ever for a three- or four-year-old who is not satisfied with any answer you give, but I digress. Teaching children to ask “why” and helping them learn the answer is SCIENCE. You will be building critical and creative thinking skills when you and your child dig in deep to find the answer to questions when you use a scientific method worksheet to record the steps of your experiment.
The scientific method will be taught to our children in middle school and beyond (if not earlier). I have vivid memories of dissecting frogs in 7th grade and talking about the scientific method. So what is all the hubbub?
The Scientific Method
Purpose: This is when you ask questions. “What do I want to learn about? Why? What if?”
Hypothesis: Make an educated guess about what you think will happen.
Experiment: Test your hypothesis by making a plan and conducting an experiment.
Observe: Record your observations and the outcomes of your experiment.
Analyze: Review the data collected during your experiment.
Conclusion: Share the results of your experiment and whether or not your hypothesis was correct. Remember, it is ok to be wrong. Science is about discovery!
While you are conducting your own science experiments this summer have your children practice this scientific method with this Science Experiment Worksheet
If you just can’t get enough of the Scientific Method or you just want to teach it to mastery when learning is the most fun, consider getting a Scientific Method poster to hang up at your house.
Do you have a favorite science experiment that you have done over the years?