Pine Cone Turkey Craft: Can you believe that Thanksgiving will be next week already and then before we know it Christmas? I can’t believe how quickly the holidays have snuck up on us. Today we made Turkey Centerpieces for our Thanksgiving Dinner. They turned out super cute!
- Two Pine cones: One Small; One Large
- Colored Construction Paper
- Hot Glue Gun
- Goggly Eyes
- Scissors
- Optional: Pipe cleaner, pom-poms, and/or cardboard
1. Hot Glue your small pine cone to your large one. In our case, we couldn’t find a smaller pine cone so we used what we call “picker balls” that come from some of our trees out back. They worked just as good!
2. Optional: Hot Glue the bottom of the larger pine cone a cardboard square base to make it more sturdy. (You can see the base visible in the finished picture.)
3. Using different colored construction paper, cut out several different size feathers. I made mine kind of oval-shaped. I recommend at least 8 feathers. You could do more or less depending on the size of your pine cone body.
4. Cut small slits along all sides of your “feathers” to give it more of a “feathery” look.
5. Adhere all your feathers around the back of your pine cone body. (We mainly glued them to the pinecomb itself, however, if you glued your pine cone to a base, you can also adhere some to the base behind your “turkey” body.
6. Glue your googly eyes, a beak, and a wattle to your turkey face. On my daughter’s face, she used googly eyes, a triangular bead for a nose, and a piece of pipe cleaner for the wattle. My son used a pom-pom for the beak instead of the bead. You could even just cut these pieces out of left-over construction paper if you chose.
7. Optional: My son added pipe cleaner to the bottom/base of the turkey as “feet”. Your turkey is complete!
Here are our finished products. I put glue on each feather and handed to my kids to adhere where they wished. Can you tell which one is my 2-year olds and which is my 5-year olds? 🙂 My two-year old also chose to do two different sized eyes for his turkey!
If you are looking for additional Thanksgiving crafts for you and your children to do this week, check out the Turkey Hats that Leandrea and her girls made last year!