Going to the movie theater as a family is a spendy event. Even matinee movies leave our wallet feeling bare! Add to the expense that the movies for children are sparse and you have a definite dilema on your hands. Thankfully, Kidtooons is here to help with both of these issues. Kidtoons is a family focused business that helps parents connect with their children by bringing family friendly animated movies to the big screen every weekend at participating theatres across the country. Each month they showcase one movie and charge $3 per ticket. These affordable family friendly matinee movies are easy on the wallet and a treat for the whole family.
This month the Kidtoon’s feature is Olivia and the Great Outdoors. There are adventures, then there are OLIVIA adventures! Join Olivia and enjoy the great outdoors in a way only she can. From treasure hunts, to camping trips to soccer games and more, one thing is clear, with Olivia on the scene, you’re bound to have a creative, special, fun-filled experience! The Olivia episodes shown in theater include: “OLIVIA and the Treasure Hunt”, “OLIVIA Plants A Garden”, “OLIVIA’s Lemonade Stand”, “Kite Season”, and “OLIVIA Makes It Rain.”
The sweet people at Kidtoons are going to send one lucky Coupons are Great winner an Olivia Prize Package!
Win it!
Prize: Olivia Prize Package consisting of:
- Olivia Poster
- This is Olivia Book
- Olivia Opens a Lemonade Stand Book
- Olivia Tin Lunch Box (design varies)
- Olivia DVD (titles vary)
- Olivia Sticker Sheet
- Olivia Kaleidoscope
Number of Winners: 1
Giveaway End Date: May 26th, 2011 at 11:59:59 PM ET
Eligibility: This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S.
Random Selection: One winner will randomly be chosen and will be notified via email. He/she will have 48 hours to respond to that email or another winner will be chosen.
Mandatory Entry!
Leave a comment answering this question: What is your favorite children’s movie?
Additional Entries: (just in case you want them!)
(Complete the Mandatory Entry and the Additional Entries for six total entries and six total comments. The mandatory entry must be completed before the optional entries count.)
- Like Kidtoons on Facebook. If you already like Kidtoons please leave a comment saying so.
- Like Coupons Are Great on Facebook. If you already like us please leave a comment saying so.
- Follow Kidtoons on Twitter. If you already follow them please leave a comment saying so.
- Follow CouponsAreGreat on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway. Feel free to use: #Win an Olivia the Pig Prize Package @kidtoonfilms @couponsaregreat #giveaway #contest http://couponsaregreat.net/?p=9887 ends 05/26
- Subscribe to Coupons Are Great’s feed -OR- follow us with Google Friend Connect (upper right). If you are already a subscriber leave a comments saying so.
Disclaimer: The product feature in this review was provided to me free of charge by the manufacturer or representing PR firm. Opinions expressed are my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation. The sponsor of the prize is responsible for prize fulfillment.
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The Incredibles.
Eloise is her favorite movie!
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Mine is The Little Mermaid
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My favorite is Ice Age.
I loved Toy Story
Robin Hood- the Disney version!
daily tweet http://twitter.com/#!/5memb/status/73756926588100608
I follow as degood on gfc.
I follow kidtoons on twitter as kmayans.
I loved ET when I was a child.
“Milo & Otis”–sweet and safe for any age. Even my grandmother can watch & enjoy.
I love Finding Nemo.
Following Coupons are Great via Twitter and “tweeted” as giveawayaddict.
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Sleeping Beauty
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I’ve always Loved Snow White!
Toy Story. my son loved it when he was little
I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal
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I follow Kidtoons on Twitter @coriwestphal
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coriwestphal at msn dot com
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coriwestphal at msn dot com
I like you on Facebook: Cori Eckstrom Westphal (facebook.com/coriwestphal)
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I love Toy Story. And Monsters Inc is another fave!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
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My favorite children’s movie is Cars and my son is really looking forward to the release of Cars 2
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GFC Follower 🙂
Shrek 🙂
Follow Kidtoons on Twitter: mommyof2Andrea
Their favorite movie it Toy Story 3
gfc follower – kerry gibbs
alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
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like kidtoons on facebook – kerry gibbs
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We like Jungle Book
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rosie martinez
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rosie martinez
my favorite movie was Beauty and the Beast
Monster’s Inc is my favorite! Thank you for the chance!
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I Liked Kidtoons on Facebook.
Wizard of Oz! You just can’t beat it!!
All time fav movie has to be Beauty and the Beast.
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facebook.com/zcscooby Zabrina C.
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facebook.com/zcscooby Zabrina C.
I love Beauty and the Beast!
What is your favorite children’s movie?
The little Mermaid
Follow coupons are great on twitter
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My favorite kids movie is UP.
monsters inc is the current fav
Beauty and the Beast
Follow Kidtoons on Twitter. phxbne
My favorite is Monsters Inc.
GFC follower under AmberFaith
littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com
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littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com
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Amber Faith Pilcher
littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com
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Amber Faith Pilcher
littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com
I love The Lion King. It is MY all-time favorite movie.
littleamberfaith at yahoo dot com
I just love The Lion King!
gfc follower agatewood1
following you on twitter @shuggysmommy
Kidtoons twitter follower @shuggysmommy
Kidtoons facebook liker
My son is loving Toy Story right now:)
I follow you on GFC as seriousreader.
seriousreader at live dot com
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seriousreader at live dot com
I follow Kidtoons on Twitter as BookOwner.
seriousreader at live dot com
I like you on Facebook as myself (Linda Henderson)
seriousreader at live dot com
I like Kidtoons on Facebook as myself (Linda Henderson)
seriousreader at live dot com
My favorite kids movie is Toy Story.
seriousreader at live dot com
Tweeted. http://twitter.com/#!/dramaqueensmum/status/72276006576197632
I’m subscribed by e mail. dramaqueensmum@gmail.com
I follow Kidstoons on Twitter. (dramaqueensmum) dramaqueensmum@gmail.com
I already follow Kidstoons on FB. Kimberly Martin G. dramaqueensmum@gmail.com
My fave Children’s movie is Mary Poppins. dramaqueensmum@gmail.com
I follow you on GFC(Linda G)
My favorite movie is Sleeping Beauty.
I love the wizard of oz
I like Kidtoons on FB~Deb S
My favorite children’s movie is Snow White!
tw them as jacksondeb
email sub djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
twu as jacksondeb
email sub djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
fblike them debbie jackson
email sub djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
fblikeu debbie jackson
email sub djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
heidi was my fave movie
I follow you on GFC as sweetsue.
smchester at gmail dot com
I follow Kittoons on twitter as ptowngirl.
smchester at gmail dot com
I love Lady and the Tramp-it’s so sweet!
smchester at gmail dot com
GFC Follower as ACMommy3.
My favorite children’s movie – the Toy Story series and Pollyanna. 🙂 creedamy[at]yahoo [dot]com
enter me thanks
ice age
twitter @kaiasmommy
already like coupons on FB
That’s hard to say but, one I really love is Despicable Me
Cars is my favorite.
follow Kidtoons on twitter @5memb
follow and tweet http://twitter.com/#!/5memb/status/71360033564262401
My favorite is Peter Pan.
I subscribe to you!
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tonya stutzman filleman
GFC Follower
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Follow Kidtoons on twitter(mummytotwoboys1)
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Like Kidtoons on Facebook (D Schmidt)
My sons favorite movie is Cars!
Id have to say Beauty and The Beast
Thanks for the chance.
I follow you on Twitter.
I follow Kidtoons on Twitter. kathybillsteven
I like Coupons are Great on FB. Kathy Bill Stevenson
I like Kidtoons on FB. Kathy Bill Stevenson
The Lion King
Follow you on twitter as JT2ofusanddeals and tweeted:
kport207 at gmail dot com
I follow Kidtoons on Twitter @shellehall
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I like Kidtoons on Facebook
I like Toy Story
I like KidToons on twitter as JT2ofusanddeals
kport207 at gmail dot com
I like KidToons on FB (Kathleen Porteous)
kport207 at gmail dot com
My favorite childrens movie would be “UP”.
kport207 at gmail dot com
email subscriber
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I like kidtoons on FB
Their current favorite is Hop
I re-tweeted @PassportFrugal
I Like you and Kidtoons via facebook and twitter.
I love “most” disney movies. But really I like to watch what ever the grandchildren want to see. Spending time with them is great! We love the short version of Where The Wild Things Are”
Follow via GFC.
Fan of yours on Facebook.
Fan of Kidtoons on Facebook.
Beauty and The Beast. Loved watching it with my daughter and I know enjoy watching it with my granddaughters.
What is your favorite children’s movie? A Christmas Story.
i follow kidtoons on twitter as sarahndavis
sarah at realtorsd.com
I subscribe by email and I follow your blog via google friend-rebecca williams
My favorite kids movie is “Up”!
sarah at realtorsd.com
I follow kidtoon on twitter @rebeccaw2005gm
I like kidtoons on facebook @rebeccaw2005
I like you on facebook @rebeccaw2005
I like Snow White and the 7 dwerfs.
I subscribe via email.
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janmessali (at) gmail.com
I follow Kidtoons on Twitter, as janj4c.
janmessali (at) gmail.com
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janmessali (at) gmail.com
We love the movie Babe.
janmessali (at) gmail.com
I follow Kidtoons on Twitter.
I like you on FB. Amy M C
I like Kidtoons on FB.
Peter Pan is my favorite kid movie.
I’m a follower via GFC.
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I ‘like’ Kidtoons on Facebook.
The Little Mermaid
I follow via google friend connect!
I follow you on twitter and tweeted the giveaway!
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I like kidtoons on FB
GFC follower.
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Trena C.
I like Kidtoons on FB.
Trena C.
Tangled is awesome and we also recently saw Rio which was super cute!!
I already follow on gfc.
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I already like Kidtoons on Facebook.
The Little Mermaid
I liked coupons are great!
I liked kidtoons
fav kids movie is “Princess” according to my 4- year old…so I would guess that means any disney princess movie out there?
I like Lion King.
My youngest son loves The Wizard Of Oz.