Each week it is possible to save money on the groceries you normally buy at the grocery store. By clipping a few coupons and using them consistently you will see that a few cents here and there really does add up. You too can start small and watch your savings snowball over time!
Learn How to Coupon. Start Small.
1) Start clipping coupons. Buy a Sunday newspaper (or two) to start your coupon collection. Save all your coupons, even if you think you won’t use it. You never know when an incredible deal will come along. You can even get coupons for free by thinking outside the box. Head to Coupons.com, smartsource.com, and redplum.com to put your printer to use.
2) Combine coupons with a sale for a money saving power play! Be sure to use the power of the internet to find blogs in your area who cover your grocery stores. You will likely find match ups at Hot Coupon World, A Full Cup, and Slick Deals.
3) Try email a compliment to your favorite companies. Here is a list of companies I emailed one summer. The response was fantastic with several companies sending FREE product coupons and many companies sending regular coupons as well.
4) Call or stop by the Customer Service desk of your favorite grocery store. Ask if they double/triple coupons, accept competitor coupons, or have a Scan Right guarantee. If your store doubles/triples coupons your savings will multiply!
5) You may be annoyed at first with all the shorthand, so learn the coupon terminology/lingo. Don’t worry, you will be a pro in no time!
6) Start thinking about stepping foot in a drug store near you. There are some fabulous deals at drug stores. You can get lots of free items from Rite Aid, Walgreens, and CVS. Who knew, right?
7) Download some money savings apps including Ibotta and Shopkick.
There is absolutely no shame in using coupons. “The more affluent and educated are more likely to clip coupons than those with lower incomes and those with a high school education” (source: The Media Audit). The statistics about coupon users are actually pretty fun to read! You never know when there is a millionaire next door!
Check out these Ways I Save for more budgeting inspiration. Don’t miss the latest and greatest from Coupons Are Great. Sign up for our Daily Email.