Amazon Prime is incredibly awesome. But let’s face it, the $99 per year price tag makes you think twice about purchasing this membership. Stretching out the math, this breaks down to $8.25 a month. Doesn’t that sound much better? Amazon Prime is totally worth that price, especially since Amazon just raised the minimum order price of Super Saver Shipping from $35 to $49. Back in the day…it used to be just $25 for free shipping. Times have changed!
Why Amazon Prime Rocks
Get unlimited FREE two-day shipping with no minimum order size. Sometimes you need an item…and you need it now! With free two day shipping it’s almost like instant gratification. We have ordered parts for our washing machine, car, and birthday presents that we needed ASAP and it was perfect to have free 2 day shipping.
Ship gifts to others for free. Buying gifts for others can be so much fun, especially when you have a good idea. There is a major buzz kill when you have to pay to ship that item though. With Amazon Prime you get 2 day shipping to your house…..and your friends and family. This is PERFECT during birthdays and the holidays.
Save money on gas. With Amazon Prime you don’t need to drive from store to store looking for your desired item. Nor do you have to drive to go to the post office. All that money saved is awesome.
Amazon Instant Video. Instantly watch over 40,000 movies and TV episodes with titles for everyone. With that many titles there has to be something you haven’t seen or television series that you want to start.
Kindle Library. Choose one kindle book to read for FREE every month from the Kindle Lending Library! There are many popular titles.
Sign up for a FREE 30 Day Trial of Amazon Prime. You will receive all the benefits listed above. Start shopping for back to school and the holidays. If you want to use this as a trial period be sure you uncheck the auto-renewal box so you are not charged the $99 per year membership price. If you find yourself loving Prime after your trial remember that the $8.25 a month price is quite reasonable for all that you get.
It gets better!
Get a FREE 6 Month Trial for Students with Amazon Student. This requires a .edu email address which is issued at the college or university level.
Do you use Amazon Prime? Or have you never thought about getting a membership?
Check out more Amazon Deals I’ve posted for even more savings!
Disclosure: Amazon prices fluctuate quickly so it is best to order as soon as you see products listed at rock bottom prices Please make sure you check the current price on Amazon before purchasing. This post contains affiliate links. Coupons Are Great is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program that allows associates to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to their website. Read my disclosure policy here.
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