Brr – it is chilly outside! Create a Plastic Cup Penguin craft for kids (also a great penguin preschool craft) indoors while it is cold while thinking about an animal that lives outdoors in the cold year round. This penguin craft is a crowd pleaser for the preschool and kindergarten crowd in my house!
Materials Required to make a Plastic Cup Penguin:
Plastic (or paper) cup
Black Paint
Paint Brush
Construction Paper – Orange, White, Black
Googley Eyes (Optional)
Make a Plastic Cup Penguin:
- Paint the cup black. We painted red plastic cups black. Any time you paint plastic it is always tricky and may require several layers of paint. When you are painting with an almost-four-year-old who globs paint on this isn’t really an issue though!
- Allow to dry.
- Cut a penguin body out of white paper, beak out of yellow paper, and feet out of orange paper.
- Glue the construction paper pieces to the dried cup. It was easiest to use a piece of tape for the feet and tape them to the inside of the cup.
- Glue googley eyes to the cup. No googley eyes? Just draw a black dot!
- Penguins are birds that cannot fly.
- They are great swimmers and divers.
- Their wings work as paddle for swimming.
- Male penguins take care of their chicks.
- Parents take turns warming the egg.
- Female penguins go for searching foods.
- In cold places, males balance eggs on their feet and cover with belly flap to keep them warm.
- They usually move within groups.
- They eat snow as a source of fresh water.
- They take small naps in the water.
- Penguins use sign language to communicate with each other.
Now for some funnies! Hopefully your kids love these penguin jokes.
Question: What kind of fish do Penguins catch at night?
Answer: Starfish.
Question: What do Penguins have for lunch?
Answer: Icebergers!
I think I might have to make a family of penguins out of yogurt cups.
The really tiny kid cups of yogurt would make nice Christmas ornament sized penguins.
Yogurt cups!!!!!!!! Such a great idea!
So cute!! I love this. We’ll have to try it!
Yay Michelle! This is such an easy craft. Have fun!