My girls have loved fairies for a long time. It started with a healthy love of pirates mingled with Peter Pan and then the blonde little Pixie named Tinkerbell became one of their favorites. Grandma made two adorable fairy costumes so Little Sister … [Read more...]
Patriotic Eagle Craft: Fun Activity for Veteran’s Day, Election Days, and More
With Election Day nearing it is important to talk to our children about voting and one easy way to do so is with a Patriotic Eagle Craft. Election Day is a perfect day to teach children about the national bird of the United States - the Bald Eagle, … [Read more...]
Earth Day Craft: Egg Carton Planters Tutorial
There are so many projects that we can do with our kids that show them about how the world works. Planting seeds is a fun project to do in the spring and can also be a fantastic Earth Day craft in April. April is a great time to plant seeds since … [Read more...]
Find a Rainbow Day: Rainbow Crafts for Kids | Rainbow Rock
There is a day for everything. April 3rd has the honor of being Find a Rainbow Day (mark it on your calendar). The science behind rainbows is fun to explore with children and rainbow craft projects are always sure to bring a smile too! We painted … [Read more...]
Winter Craft Project: Snowflake Paintings for Kids
There is nothing better than children's artwork that lasts through the years. Snowflake Paintings for kids are an excellent winter craft project. My girls were very skeptical as we taped the canvas in this project, but when we peeled the painter's … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Craft: Pilgrim and Native American Thanksgiving Clay Pots
Decorating with homemade Thanksgiving decorations is fun and a great way to fill some of the no school minutes of vacation. These Thanksgiving Clay Pots are incredibly easy to make and take only a few minutes. This is a project that children can do … [Read more...]
Patriotic Crafts for Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Veterans Day
Patriotic crafts are a great way to show your children about our country. Over the years we have completed several patriotic crafts that are perfect for Memorial Day, 4th of July, Veterans's Day, and the Presidential Election. We hope enjoy … [Read more...]
Class Party Recipes: Graham Cracker Santa
Holiday baking is an essential part of December! Baking cookies, using peppermint, decorating cupcakes, oh my! Luckily we don't have to break the bank to make yummy treats when there are printable coupons available. Do you want to impress your … [Read more...]
Tea Party Craft: Tea Party Placemats
If you want to make your daughter really, really excited all you need to do is plan a tea party and let her invite a few of her friends over. My girls are absolutely giddy for our tea party tomorrow. They have ideas of food items they want to serve … [Read more...]
Crafts for Kids
Crafts for kids are an essential part of growing up! When you do crafts with your kids and when they do crafts by themselves they are pushing their creative limits. Crafts do not have to be perfect. Instead they should be messy and fun! Let kids … [Read more...]