Crafts for kids are an essential part of growing up! When you do crafts with your kids and when they do crafts by themselves they are pushing their creative limits. Crafts do not have to be perfect. Instead they should be messy and fun! Let kids mix paint, ink, markers, and more. Exploring is one of the best ways to learn!
At Coupons Are Great we have done many Crafts for Kids over the years. Take a peek at <—- the link back there to scroll through our craft posts throughout the years. Hopefully you will find a favorite that you can create now or bookmark/pin for later!
Some of my favorites include:
Kindergarten Homework: A Pirate Turkey Disguise
Thanksgiving Craft: Paper Plate Turkeys Using Tissue Paper
Glitter Pumpkin Tutorial Using a Dollar Tree Pumpkin and Elmer’s Glue
LEGO Friends Sugar Cookies: Perfect for a LEGO Friends Party
Create LEGO Earrings: Easy LEGO Craft Tutorial
Ghost Hair Bow Tutorial
The Kissing Hand Back to School Craft #Back2School
Tea Party Craft: Tea Party Placemats
Create a Spy Kit for Kids
Fairy House Craft Idea: Create a Fairy House Village or Fairy Garden
Graduation Cap Tutorial: Perfect for Preschool and Kindergarten
Ladybug Hair Bow Tutorial
If you are looking for the old Crafts for Kids post that was here, it is now titled Crafts for Kids: DIY Owl Greeting Cards. Enjoy!

Crafts for Kids