Visits from the Tooth Fairy are a very special time. For this mom with a sewing machine this momentous occasion couldn't merely be celebrated with the placement of the lost tooth under a pillow. Oh no, we needed a very special Tooth Fairy Pillow! … [Read more...]
American Girl Sewing Patterns
Sewing for dolls can be easy and fun! With American Girl Sewing Patterns you can take scraps of fabric and turn them into a customized outfit for your little girl's favorite doll. The American Girl Sewing Patterns will work with other 18 inch dolls … [Read more...]
Put a Number on it!: Custom Birthday Shirts Tutorial
Put a Number on it!: Custom Birthday Shirts Tutorial Our children grow up so quickly and as much as we would like to be able to freeze them at each age in our mind, that just isn't possible. Each year we get the girls' photos taken on their … [Read more...]