Being a parent is tough. It starts with sleepless nights, dirty diapers, and around the clock feedings. Slowly those parenting requirements morph into money, responsibility, and independence. How is it that the little baby that fit so comfortably … [Read more...]
Little Notes Can Mean the World: Dear My Mommy
Recently I posted about Mother's Day...and how for some people Mother's Day isn't picture perfect. I dare say that none of our lives are picture perfect. What we have instead are people in our lives who make the days wonderful (or not so … [Read more...]
Jar of Consequences: Taming the Not So Cute Behaviors
There are some really not cute behaviors happening at my house right now. My daughters are five and three. They are fifteen months, three weeks apart in age and they each have their own little behavioral quirk right now that is testing our … [Read more...]
A Parental Confession: How We Deal with Whining
Note: This post has nothing to do about coupons or saving money. Instead it is about saving my sanity in the most Parental Confession kind of way! Kids whine. That's just the way it goes. I imagine that in most houses kids whine on occasion. … [Read more...]