Summer is here and now is the perfect time to plan a vacation. By planning early (maybe even earlier than this) you will save all the money you need in order to have the perfect family vacation where you can unwind and relax. Saving for a vacation … [Read more...]
Summer Activity for Kids: Super Duper Words
Kids need to hear and practice new words each day. One summer activity for kids is to create a list of Super Duper words to use throughout the summer. Introduce one word and its meaning at the beginning of the day and encourage your child to use the … [Read more...]
Planning for summer . . . low stress, frugal fun, busy kids! (Part 1)
As school winds down over the next month or so, moms everywhere are looking for ways to keep the kids busy. Over the next week I'll post a series of posts about planning for summer days that keep kids engaged, active and limit screen … [Read more...]
Science Experiments for Kids: Dissecting Owl Pellets
Science experiments for kids are a fantastic way to pass the long, hot, summer days. One of our summer learning projects this summer was to dissect owl pellets. Owl pellets are a ball of bones, fur, and other things that an owl eats. An owl eats … [Read more...]
Barnes & Noble Summer Reading Program: Earn a Free Book
The summer months are here and you can have summer fun on a budget fairly easily. When your child participates in the Barnes & Noble summer reading program he/she can earn a free book. There are several books for each grade level to choose … [Read more...]
Creating Summer Memories with a Tea Party and Cadbury #CadburyHighTea
There is no doubt that tiny little porcelain tea cups and tea pots bring out the best in children. As soon as they see those little dishes they want to pretend and create a magical tea party. What better combination in the hot summer months than a … [Read more...]
Water Balloon Pump: Save up to 34 Percent
Summer will be here soon. I know, I know....that is laughable after the weather we have received during the past 2 weeks. A staple of summer activities is water balloons. Growing up we used a hose in the garden which sprayed water every where. … [Read more...]
The Last Week of Summer: It’s All Fun ….. and Surgery?
The last week of summer is here for my girls. I think it is crazy that they go back to school on August 13th. Starting school so early is totally foreign to me. I grew up in Oregon where we went to school from Labor Day until early June, mid-June … [Read more...]
Sonic: Half Priced Milk Shakes on this First Day of Summer
Happy first day of summer! Sonic Drive-Ins are helping us celebrate offering half-priced milk shakes all day long! No coupon required. This is definitely a great way to get a frugal sweet treat. Our Summer Activity Schedule has today as Wet … [Read more...]
Peanut Butter and Jelly Popsicles
There is nothing better than enjoying a healthy frozen snack with our favorite little people on a hot day! We were so excited when This Mama Loves Her Bargains shared her success with super yummy Peanut Butter and Jelly Popsicles with us. The … [Read more...]